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 Call for Papers: Conference on Discrimination
Posted by: Annette Wagner-Baier
Title/Position: Scientific Coordinator
School/Organization: DFG-Research Unit
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: December 17th, 2009


Jena Conference on Discrimination and Tolerance 2010

Dear Colleagues,

As the deadline for submissions is approaching, we would like to remind you of the International Conference on Discrimination and Tolerance between Social Groups taking place in Jena, Germany from June 30 to July 3, 2010. As you may take from the detailed call for papers below, please submit your proposal abstract by January 6th, 2010 to Annette Baier (

We are looking forward to receive your proposal for the Jena conference!


Immo Fritsche, Amelie Mummendey, Andreas Beelmann, & Annette Baier

International Conference on
Discrimination and Tolerance between Social Groups
Jena, Germany, June 30 – July 3, 2010

The Jena-Research Unit on Discrimination and Tolerance in Intergroup Relations (funded by the German Research Foundation, DFG) is pleased to announce an International Conference on “Discrimination and Tolerance in Intergroup Relations”.

Understanding the social phenomena of discrimination and tolerance in relations between social groups has challenged psychological theory and research for many decades. It is the aim of this conference to cover a broad range of research perspectives and to bring together researchers from different areas of psychology to stimulate exchange and cross-fertilization between these perspectives. Researchers are invited to present and discuss research and ideas from different angles, be it social or personality psychology, developmental or educational psychology, using a basic or applied focus on the issue. Contributions covering the antecedents and consequences of discrimination and tolerance as well as its underlying processes are welcome. We especially encourage presentations of research that deals with basic socio-structural conditions and consequences as well as cognitive and motivational processes either at the individual or collective level.

The conference will limit itself to oral presentations only that will be structured along focussed thematic sessions. As an eminent part of the programme, three internationally highly distinguished scholars accepted our invitation for keynote lectures: Melanie Killen (University of Maryland, USA), Klaus Fiedler (Universität Heidelberg, Germany) and John Dovidio (Yale University, USA). The size of the meeting will be restricted to about 80 participants. The conference will take place from Wednesday, June 30th to Saturday, July 3rd, 2010 in the historic city centre of Jena, which has an impressive history of intellectual life going back to the 16th century. Jena can be easily reached by high-speed train connections and via international airport hubs such as Berlin or Frankfurt.
Researchers are invited to submit a 250 word summary of their proposed individual presentation by January 6th, 2010 to Annette Baier ( We also offer the opportunity that up to three proposals which have a common topic may be submitted together. In case of acceptance we would group the talks as one thematic session but reserve the right to add additional talks to the session. A conference fee of EUR 50 for junior and EUR 150 for senior participants will be charged covering conference participation, coffee breaks and two lunches. Annette Baier, Immo Fritsche (, and Amélie Mummendey ( are happy to answer any inquiries related to the conference.

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