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 Preconference Registration Deadline
Posted by: Wade Rowatt
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: Baylor University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: November 17th, 2009


Registration will close in two weeks for the SPSP Psychology of Religion Preconference (in Las Vegas, Nevada, Riviera Hotel, January 28, 2010).

The registration fee includes breakfast, box lunch, snacks and much more. Please follow the link below to register online and to learn more about the presenters, poster session, and other festivities.

Invited presenters

Jesse Preston (University of Illinois)
Aaron Kay (University of Waterloo)
Lee Kirkpatrick (College of William and Mary)
Jessica Li (Arizona State University)
Ara Norenzayan (University of British Columbia)
Vassilis Saroglou (University of Louvain, Belgium)
Deborah Hall (Duke University) and Wendy Wood (Univ. of Southern California)
Ariel Malka (Yeshiva University)
Nicholas Epley (University of Chicago)


Wade Rowatt, Adam Cohen, Kevin Ladd
Preconference Organizers

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