Listserv Message Center

Intl. Assn. for Relationship Research Conference |
Posted by: | Dan Perlman |
Title/Position: | Professor |
School/Organization: | University of North Carolina, Greensboro |
Sent to listserv of: | SPSP, SESP |
Date posted: | November 3rd, 2009 |
The International Association for Relationship Research Conference
July 22 – 26, 2006
IDC Campus, Herzliya Israel
On behalf of the International Association of Relationship Research (IARR), and the New School of Psychology, Interdisciplinary Center (IDC), we extend an invitation to submit a proposal for a conference presentation. The conference will be July 22026 at the IDC in Herzliya, Israel. The conference will be an opportunity to learn about cutting-edge research in the field of personal relationships. World-class relationship scholars representing a broad range of disciplines (i.e., psychology, sociology, communication, family studies, gerontology), will gather at the conference. IARR conferences typically provide opportunities to find colleagues with similar professional interests and participate in presentation (e.g., paper, poster) sessions relevant to their areas of expertise. Leading researchers from around the world will conduct presentations in various formats (e.g., symposia, papers, posters, round tables, interest groups, keynote speakers). It is hoped that these formats will provide opportunities for professional growth, education and conversations about future collaborative work. Please consider joining colleagues for five days of networking in the unique combination of the natural beauty of the Mediterranean region and vibrant urban culture that characterizes Herzliya, Israel.
Invited speakers include Majid Al-Haj, Lisa Diamond, Frank Fincham, Amia Liblich, and Phillip R. Shaver.
During the conference, a half-day trip to the old city of Jerusalem, "Night Spectacular" at Tower of David, and Awards Banquet will occur.
Program: Ruth Sharabany and Ashley Duggan, Program Committee Co-Chairs, can answer your questions about the Program. Please feel free to contact them via email if you have questions or comments about the conference program or the Call for Submissions (iarr2010@gmail.com).
Local Arrangements: Mario Mikulincer, Local Arrangements Committee Chair, can address questions about the local community (e.g., Herzliya) and conference arrangements. Please feel free to contact him if you have questions/comments about local arrangements (mario@idc.ac.il).
Program Committee: Ruth Sharabany (chair) and Ashley Duggan (co- chair); F. Scott Christopher, Sandra L. Faulkner, Ofra Mayseless, Mario Mikulincer, Joao M. Moreira, Terri Orbuch
Submissions: The Program Committee invites proposals for Symposia, Papers, Posters, Roundtables, & Interest Groups on topics relevant/reflective of social and personal relationships.
Detailed information about the conference (e.g., how to submit proposals, and how to register for the conference) is available on the Conference web site:
Submissions should be sent electronically via the conference website. The deadline for submissions is January 20, 2010.
Submission Formats
Submissions relevant/reflective of interpersonal relationships are due by January 20, 2010. Each submission will be blind-reviewed by relationship scholars from various disciplines and geographic regions. Reviewers will evaluate the submissions for quality and conference fit. A description of the types of submissions and the procedure for submitting proposals is presented below:
Paper: An oral presentation (approximately 10-15 minutes) that summarizes an empirical investigation or theoretical analysis of a topic.
Symposium: A collection of oral presentations that focus on a single topic, problem or theme, from an empirical and/or theoretical perspective. The symposium could include a discussant who integrates and critiques the presentations.
Posters: A visual presentation (on a 4’ by 8’ poster) which summarizes an empirical investigation or theoretical analysis of a topic.
Short Paper: A higher density section of shorter presentations (approximately 10 Power Point slides) that will be grouped in 6 short papers, with questions to authors individually after the session.
Roundtables: A one-hour discussion on a specific theme or issue. The roundtable is led by one or two speakers. The speaker(s) could begin with a 10-15 minute presentation that introduces the topic and/or provide(s) materials that help define the issues. Colleagues who attend the roundtable sessions will have opportunities to participate in the discussions.
Interest Group Meeting: An opportunity for scholars with common interests and questions to engage in discussion. The group meetings provide opportunities for colleagues to share advances, questions and ideas for the purpose of building networks.
Submission Requirements
(1) For papers, posters, and short papers, please submit a 250-word abstract. For roundtables and interest groups, please submit a 250-word summary of the proposed discussion topic (in lieu of the traditional abstract). The summary should identify the goals and potential benefits of the roundtable and interest group. For interest groups to be scheduled, at least three individuals must co-author the submission. For symposium, submit a 400-word overview of the symposium summary and a 250-word abstract for each paper. For symposium the convener should upload the abstracts for each author under the online symposium option.
(2) Submissions must be sent electronically by January 20, 2010 via the conference web site:
(3) The conference website will provide detailed information on electronic submission guidelines and procedures.
Please “stay tuned to” (periodically log onto) the IAAR website (www.iarr.org) and the conference website (www.idc.ac.il/iarr2010) for more information.
Please forward: If you know of others interested in relationship research, please forward this message to them, and also suggest they register to the IARR 2010 conference.