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 Measuring Behavior 2010: Call for Symposia and Workshops
Posted by: Measuring Behavior Conference Secretariat
Title/Position: Chair, local organizing committee
School/Organization: Measuring Behavior 2010
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: November 3rd, 2009


Measuring Behavior 2010
7th International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral research
24 - 27 August 2010 Eindhoven, The Netherlands

The Scientific Program Committee now invites you to submit proposals for Symposia and Workshops:

• Symposia
Measuring Behavior symposia consist of a series of scientific presentations around a common theme, related to the general theme of measuring behavior. In previous conferences symposia have included topics such as ‘automatic facial expression analysis’, ‘automation of observing and analyzing rodent behavior’, and ‘measuring meeting behavior’.

• Workshops
Workshops are interactive discussions about specific aspects of measuring techniques. Workshops are a forum where the multidisciplinary nature of Measuring Behavior can give a big advantage.

More information on symposia and workshops can be found on:

Take this opportunity to present your novel methods, techniques, and tools to an interdisciplinary scientific community, or to organize a session dedicated to a breakthrough technology. Presentations should deal with newly developed research methods, techniques or tools, or novel applications of existing techniques.

Deadline for submission of symposia and workshop proposals is 5 January 2010. Deadline for submission of symposium (speaker) abstracts is 19 April 2010. These deadlines will not be extended.

Program Topics

Contributions are welcome on a wide variety of topics, including (but not limited to):
• Video tracking and automatic behavior recognition
• Automatic measurement of facial expression and emotion
• Gait analysis in humans and animals
• Pain assessment
• Brain-computer interfaces
• Multimodal analysis of behavior and physiology
• Sound and speech analysis
• High-throughput technologies for behavioral phenotyping and pharmacological screening
• Behavioral testing of zebrafish, nematodes, and fruit flies
• Innovations in eye tracking
• Measuring rodent behavior in instrumented home cages
• Measuring consumer behavior in naturalistic settings
• New animal models for psychiatric and neurological diseases
• Tools for aerospace and automotive human factors research
• Mobile user experience measurement
• Measurement technologies for ambient assisted living
• Measuring usability, accessibility, and user experience

An extended list of possible topics can be found on:

We look forward to your contribution.

Feel free to forward this message to your colleagues!

Measuring Behavior 2010
Conference Secretariat
P.O. Box 268
6700 AG Wageningen
The Netherlands
Phone: +31-317-473300
Fax: +31-317-424496

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