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Call for Papers: INGRoup Conference 2010 |
Posted by: | Franziska Tschan |
Title/Position: | Professor |
School/Organization: | University of Neuchâtel |
Sent to listserv of: | SPSP, SPSSI, SESP |
Date posted: | October 4th, 2009 |
Apologies for cross-posting:
INGRoup - Interdisciplinary Network for Group Research
Using Research to Advance the Understanding of Group Behavior, Dynamics, and Outcomes
Call for Papers
Fourth Annual Conference
July 22-24, 2010
George Mason University
Arlington, Virginia (near Washington, DC)
Submission Deadline: Friday, January 22, 2010 (10 p.m. EST)
Scholars who study groups and teams are scattered across many disciplines, such as communication, education, history, information systems, nursing, organizational behavior, philosophy, psychology, political science, public health, and sociology. The Interdisciplinary Network for Group Research (INGRoup) was created to provide a place for scholars to:
(1) Promote communication about group research across fields and nations
(2) Advance understanding about group dynamics through research
(3) Advance theory and methods for understanding groups
(4) Promote interdisciplinary research
The fifth INGRoup conference is planned to facilitate conversations among scholars across disciplines. In addition to paper and symposia sessions, innovative sessions designed to facilitate interdisciplinary conversation will be programmed. A business meeting will be devoted to planning for the future of INGRoup and its conferences.
Types of Submissions
An online system will be made available from December 1, 2009 to January 22, 2010 to facilitate submission of the following:
Papers: Submissions for paper presentations can take two forms; an extended abstract or complete paper.
Extended abstract. Submit a 900-1500 word extended abstract for papers that (a) present original research, or (b) develop, review, or critique group theory or group methods. Extended abstracts for empirical papers should include: title, keywords, purpose, methodology, results (preliminary if in early stages), conclusions, and key references. Extended abstracts for theories, reviews, or critiques should include: title, keywords, purpose, scope of theory/critique/review, conclusions, and key references. All submissions will be asked to provide a 50-word abstract for inclusion in the conference program. Also, provide full name, position, institution, discipline and contact information for all authors. You will be asked to indicate your preference of presenting your paper as an oral presentation or in an interactive poster session. Completed papers are expected at the conference. Complete paper. As with extended abstracts, complete papers should also (a) present original research, or (b) develop, review, or critique group theory or group methods. Complete papers can be up to 35 pages, inclusive. Complete papers should include: title, keywords, purpose, methodology, results, conclusions, and references. Complete papers for theories, reviews, or critiques should include: title, keywords, purpose, scope of theory/critique/review, conclusions, and references. All submissions will be asked to provide a 50-word abstract for inclusion in the conference program. Also, provide full name, position, institution, discipline and contact information for all authors. You will be asked to indicate your preference of presenting your paper as an oral presentation or in an interactive poster session.
Symposia: Submit a 900-1500 word proposal describing the focal issue, the participants’ qualifications and expected contributions, and proof of commitment from all participants that they will register for and attend the conference. All submissions will be asked to provide a 50-word abstract for inclusion in the conference program. Provide full name, position, institution, discipline and contact information for all presenters. Symposia that include participants from one disciplinary tradition are highly discouraged.
Submission Procedures
Submit extended abstracts for papers and proposals for symposia by January 22, 2010 to Franziska Tschan via the www.ingroup.info webpage. Submissions will be reviewed for appropriateness by the Program Committee. The program chair will notify the submitter of acceptance in mid to late March. The submitter is responsible for notifying co-authors or other session participants. All session participants are expected to register for and attend the conference; all accepted papers must be presented by one of the authors.
Local Arrangements
The 2010 conference will be held at the Hilton Arlington (http://www.hiltonarlington.com), located just outside of Washington, DC. A block of rooms has been reserved at the Hilton Arlington for $129/night. Room reservations can be made by calling (800) 695-7487. In order to receive the group-discounted rate, you must mention that you are with the Interdisciplinary Network for Group Research. Or, room reservations can be made via a link that will be posted on the INGRoup.info website in the near future. The conference includes a welcome dinner reception on Thursday, July 22nd, conference programming, lunch and break refreshments on July 23rd and 24th, and a closing dinner on Saturday, July 24th.
For additional information, go to INGRoup’s web site:
or contact a member of the organizing committee:
Franziska Tschan (Program Chair), Universite de Neuchatel
Michelle Marks (Local Arrangements Chair), George Mason
University (mmarks@gmu.edu)
Joann Keyton (Coordinating Chair), North Carolina State
University, (jkeyton@ncsu.edu)