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 Postdoc: Emotions and (Financial) Decision Making
Posted by: Ale Smidts
Title/Position: Professor of Marketing Research
School/Organization: Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: August 4th, 2009

Postdoctoral position "Emotions and (Financial) Decision Making"

in the Marketing Department of the Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), Erasmus University, the Netherlands.

Job Description

You will work as a team member of xDELIA, a recently funded FP-7 EU research consortium whose aim is to study the role of emotions and expertise in financial decision making.

xDELIA, which stands for “Excellence in Decision-making through Enhanced Learning in Immersive Applications”, is investigating the role of behavioural biases and emotions in professional financial trading, private investment, and personal finance (i.e. the financial capability of the general public). An important goal of the xDELIA project is to develop sensor and serious game technologies to support non-formal learning in building financial competence and expertise.

A key task of the postdoc is to contribute to the theoretical underpinnings of the xDELIA project, utilising his/her expertise into the psychology of decision making, emotions and emotion regulation. The empirical research will consist of conducting experimental research (in the lab and in situ), testing for example the effect of biofeedback (physiological measures of affect) on decision making, and publishing these results in top academic outlets. Conducting online panel surveys or online field experiments into personal finance decisions is also expected to be part of the project.

Within RSM (, you will be a member of the Marketing department, well-known for its expertise on consumer behavior and behavioral decision making and you will have the opportunity to collaborate with neuroscientists at the Erasmus Center for Neuroeconomics. In your research you will have access to the excellent lab facilities at the Erasmus Behavioural Lab.


- Relevant PhD (or expected to hold one shortly)
We are looking for an experimentally trained (social) psychologist, consumer behavior researcher or cognitive scientist with an interest in financial decision making. Experience of, or interest in, developing competence through biofeedback and serious game playing would be considered an asset.
- Strong publication record
- Output-oriented and a focus on the top journals in the field
- Highly motivated, ambitious and creative
- Able to work well in a cross-cultural team and in the international context of an EU project
- Eager to implement findings and apply insights to practice

Our Offer

The conditions of employment correspond with the collective labour agreement for Dutch Universities (CAO NU). We offer a full-time contract for the duration of three years. Salary is subject to training and experience and may vary from a minimum of € 3.195,- gross per month (scale 11 CAO NU) to a maximum of € 4.374,- gross per month (scale 11), based on a full-time contract of 38 hours per week.

Preferred Start Date: September/ October 2009

Information and Application

For more information on the job, contact Ale Smidts by email:
Your application consisting of a letter of motivation, your CV and preferably two letters of reference can by sent by email to:

Official Announcement of This Position:

For more information on this project see the xDELIA website and the Cordys website on this project.

About the Organizations

Erasmus University Rotterdam
Erasmus University Rotterdam offers a professional environment in which your growth and development are encouraged by means of an active career and mobility policy. We further offer a flexible pension scheme, a contribution to medical insurance and advantageous group insurances. Employees are welcome to use our facilities, such as the sports centre and the library.

Erasmus Research Institute of Management
The Rotterdam School of Management (RSM) is the international business school of the Erasmus University Rotterdam. ERIM, founded in 1999, is a joint initiative of RSM and the Erasmus School of Economics (ESE). Its objective is to carry out first-rate research in management, that enables organizations to assess and improve their business processes and leverage profitability, and to offer an advanced Doctoral programme in Management for the education of excellent new scholars in the field. With over 300 researchers ERIM represents one of the largest concentrations of scholars in management in Europe. ERIM is officially accredited by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW).

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