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Maintained by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University

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 Perceptions of Personality: Request for References
Posted by: Patrick Wadlington
Title/Position: Senior Psychometrician
School/Organization: Birkman International
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: July 30th, 2009

Dear SPN Members,

Which articles or white papers would you consider important for the examination of the following concepts?

(1) How I see myself
(2) How I see others
(3) How I see myself compared to how I see others
(4) How I see myself compared to how others see themselves
(5) How I see others compared to how others see others
(6) How others see me

I am trying to build the theoretical framework for a study examining the Big Five Personality Factor deltas found between how individuals see themselves and how individuals see "most people" within the workplace setting.

Thank you for your feedback in advance,

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