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 Close Relationships Early Career Award
Posted by: Arthur Aron
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: State University of New York at Stony Brook
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: July 15th, 2009


The Relationship Researchers Interest Group (RRIG) within the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) presents an annual award to a relatively new investigator who has made original and important contributions to relationship science. The recipient of this award will be invited to give an award address at the 2010 SPSP Close Relationships Preconference.

Eligibility: The primary selection criterion is an outstanding record of original research in the general area of close relationships. Because this award recognizes a new investigator, nominees will typically have received their PhD within the past 8 years.

Submission materials: To be considered for this award, please send the following:

(1) A 1-2 page letter that provides a summary of your major research contributions and a brief description of the general topic that you would likely present in your address at the Preconference

(2) A recent CV

(3) PDF files of 2 representative publications

(4) A letter of recommendation from a scholar in the close relationships field who is familiar with your work. (S/he can send the letter separately.)

Please send materials electronically to Susan Sprecher, co-chair of the 2010 RRIG Awards Committee, at

The deadline for nominations is August 15, 2009. The award recipient will be notified in September.

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