Social Psychology Network

Maintained by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University

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 Bulletin from Social Psychology Network
Posted by: Scott Plous
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: Wesleyan University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: March 31st, 2009

Dear Friends and Colleagues (with apologies for any cross-postings),

As you may know, the pages of Social Psychology Network are visited over a million times every two weeks, providing a great opportunity for us to strengthen psychological science, improve teaching, and "give psychology away" to policy makers and other members of the public.

To meet this demand, SPN seeks to hire an Associate Director with dual expertise in psychology and web programming. Our goal is not just to add new content to SPN, but to convert it to a true "Web 2.0" social network that serves our community as well as possible.

I am therefore asking your help in identifying candidates for this important new position. If you know of recent psychology graduates or young professionals with web programming experience, please encourage them to apply as soon as possible for the position below.

With many thanks,

Scott Plous
Professor/SPN Executive Director

********** PLEASE FORWARD WIDELY **********

Full-Time Benefits for a 32-Hour Work Week!

Associate Director needed to help develop Social Psychology Network, a suite of social science web sites headquartered at Wesleyan University and funded by a 5-year National Science Foundation grant expected to begin in July of 2009. The position requires graduate training in psychology and advanced web programming knowledge, including AJAX, CSS, and APIs for Facebook and/or MySpace, as well as basic knowledge of SQL, PHP, and other open-source software. Compensation will be $50,000 in salary plus full university employment benefits, including health and dental coverage, free classes, retirement account, library privileges, and use of athletic facilities. Hours are flexible and telecommuting is possible for candidates who live within driving distance of Wesleyan. For details, please see:

Wesleyan University is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer that welcomes applications from women, members of historically underrepresented minority groups, and all applicants who support diversity.

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