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 Cognitive/Social Neuroscience Job, CASL
Posted by: Jared Novick
Title/Position: Assistant Research Scientist
School/Organization: University of Maryland
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: January 23rd, 2009

POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Cognitive/Social Neuroscience
Assistant/Associate/Senior Research Scientists

The University of Maryland Center for Advanced Study of Language (CASL) invites applications for a junior and senior research scientist in the area of Cognitive Neuroscience and/or Social Neuroscience. The successful candidate will work with a multidisciplinary team on research projects that enable government employees – especially foreign language professionals and intelligence analysts – to improve their language and analytic performance. Some examples of specific projects include modifying cognitive and brain states to improve performance on verbal problem solving and other complex cognitive tasks, such as translation and summarization; understanding the impact of cross-cultural differences and other factors (e.g., foreign language proficiency and high stakes) on analytic performance in both individual and small group settings; and assessing a person’s communicative intent based on verbal, non-verbal, and neurophysiological cues. Appointments to CASL are as members of the research faculty of the University of Maryland under renewable three-year contracts, with highly competitive salary (12-month) and benefits. CASL’s research facilities include several state-of-the-art EEG systems.

Qualifications: Candidates must have an earned Ph.D. in Cognitive Neuroscience and/or Social Neuroscience or a related field and a strong record of scholarly productivity commensurate with experience. Working knowledge of EEG or related technologies, such as MEG, is preferred but not required. CASL is seeking people who will play a leading role in hypothesis-driven basic–plus-applied research and are willing to participate in several client-driven, multidisciplinary research projects. Candidates must hold U.S. citizenship and be willing to obtain a security clearance.

CASL, established in 2003, is the nation’s 10th university-affiliated research center. Its mission is to conduct state-of-the-science research that results in improved performance on language tasks relevant to the work of government language professionals. Our research focuses on improving knowledge of less commonly taught languages; enhancing the acquisition and maintenance of foreign language capability by government professionals; advancing the capacity to use foreign language skills in a government profession; and improving the quality of human language technology.

Application: For earliest consideration, apply online at and submit letter of application, curriculum vitae, and three writing samples. References will later be requested from short-listed candidates. The position will remain open until a suitable candidate is selected. Application may also be sent to: Chair (Cognitive/Social Neuroscientist), CASL-UM, 7005 52nd Avenue, College Park, MD, 20742.

The University of Maryland is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Questions about this position should be sent by e-mail to

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