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 APA Advanced Training Institutes for 2009
Posted by: Nicolle Singer
Title/Position: Science Programs Associate
School/Organization: American Psychological Association
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP
Date posted: January 13th, 2009

Dear SESP and SPSP members,

The APA Science Directorate is pleased to sponsor four Advanced Training Institutes in the summer of 2009. These intensive training programs are hosted each summer at major research institutions across the country. ATIs expose advanced graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, new and established faculty, and other researchers to state-of-the-art research methods and emerging technologies. A list of this year’s programs is included below. Complete information about these exciting programs can be viewed at:

Ø Non-Linear Methods for Psychological Science (June 8-12, Univ. of Cincinnati)

Ø Research Methods with Diverse Racial & Ethnic Groups (June 22-26, Michigan State Univ.)

Ø Structural Equation Modeling in Longitudinal Research (June 29-July 1, Univ. of Virginia)

Ø Exploratory Data Mining in Behavioral Research (July 20-24, Univ. of Southern California)

You are invited to apply for these training opportunities. Keep in mind that application deadlines begin in March. Applications are available at and must be submitted electronically through each program's web page. Tuition for all ATIs is substantially lower than for other similar summer academic programs. For more information, contact the ATI administrator at or (202) 336-6000.

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