Listserv Message Center

Terror Management Meta-Analysis |
Posted by: | Marc D. Kinon |
Title/Position: | Graduate Student |
School/Organization: | University of California, Riverside |
Sent to listserv of: | SPSP, SESP, SPSSI |
Date posted: | December 17th, 2008 |
Dear Researcher,
We are in the process of conducting a meta-analysis on the effects of Mortality Salience. In order to minimize the biased sampling of only published studies (i.e., the file drawer problem) we are asking investigators in this research area to send us the results of any of their unpublished studies employing Mortality Salience manipulations.
We are also asking investigators to tell us of any of their published studies to serve as a check against the list of published studies we have already collected; we want to be sure we haven’t missed any published studies.
If drafts of articles relevant to Mortality Salience have already been prepared we would, of course, be most grateful for copies; but we are also interested in the results of studies that have not been written up, but consist of statistical data such as means, standard deviations, and sample sizes.
It would be great if you could send us copies of any of your unpublished papers or data, brief references to your published (or in press) papers; we would be especially grateful if you could reply to this note within a week or so just so we know it’s been received.
cc. carolyn.murray@ucr.edu, robert.rosenthal@ucr.edu, robin.dimatteo@ucr.edu
Marc D. Kinon
Olmsted Hall 2132
Department of Psychology
University of California
Riverside, CA 92521
It goes without saying that we will specifically acknowledge your contribution to the completion of the meta-analysis in future publications.
We thank you for considering our request and increasing the completeness of our meta-analysis.
Marc D. Kinon
Graduate Student
Carolyn B. Murray
Robert Rosenthal
Distinguished Professor
Robin DiMatteo
Distinguished Professor