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 Science of Virtues: Request for Proposals
Posted by: Brenda Huskey
Title/Position: Assoc. Director of Interdisciplinary Programs
School/Organization: University of Chicago
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: December 12th, 2008


In what ways might the humanities and the sciences cooperate to develop richer understandings of virtue for modern societies?

The Arete Initiative at the University of Chicago is pleased to announce a new $3 million research program on a New Science of Virtues. This is a multidisciplinary research initiative that seeks contributions from individuals and from teams of investigators working within the humanities and the sciences. We support highly original, scholarly projects that demonstrate promise of a distinctive contribution to virtue research and have the potential to begin a new field of interdisciplinary study.

In 2010, about twenty (20), two-year research grants will be awarded ranging from $50,000 to $300,000. Scholars and scientists from around the world are invited to submit Letters of Intent (LOI) as entry into a research grant competition. For a description of the required Letter of Intent and more information about a New Science of Virtues, go to:

or contact us directly at

Letter of Intent Deadline: March 2, 2009, 5:00pm Central Standard Time

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