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 KTAG Postdoctoral Fellowship, Fall 2009
Posted by: Dr. Leigh Thompson
Title/Position: Center Director
School/Organization: Northwestern Univ/Kellogg School of Management
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: November 17th, 2008

KTAG Postdoctoral Fellowship

The Kellogg Team and Group Research Center (KTAG) sponsors a two-year postdoctoral fellowship designed to facilitate a disciplinary scholar’s transition into research and teaching in the area of teams and groups in organizations. Currently, KTAG is looking for postdoctoral fellow for fall 2009.

This fellowship is a two-year position. Applicants must have completed a Ph.D. in a social science discipline prior to beginning the fellowship, and should have a research, rather than a clinical focus. The fellowship pays $75,000 per year plus benefits. Fellows will be provided $5,000 per year in unrestricted research support and are encouraged to pursue their own research. Fellows will participate in Kellogg's internship program for the teams course, and then will be assigned to teach 2-3 sections of the course per year. Fellows are also invited to join in the ongoing research of faculty associated with the Center, audit courses, and participate in Kellogg’s scholarly and applied seminars and workshops.

To apply see our web site:

Applications should include a vita, examples of written work, three letters of recommendation (can be emailed/mailed directly from reference), and a statement as to how current or future research interests would benefit from association with KTAG. Please be sure to include in document titles your name and document type.

Inquiries and applications should be directed to:

Kellogg Teams and Groups Center
MORS Department
Kellogg School of Management
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL 60208-2011
Phone: (847) 467-6079
Fax: (847) 467-5700

Applications are reviewed once annually. The deadline for applications is February 13, 2009. Awards will be announced around April 10, 2009.

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