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 Old Journals for Free
Posted by: William Dragon
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: Cornell College
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: November 10th, 2008

Hi All,

I am in the process of clearing out my office and would like my old paper copies of journals to move to a good home. So, for only the price of shipping and handling I am willing to send to anyone in the United States (due to ease of posting) the following copies:

Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology – 1934 (Jan-Dec); 1935 (Jan – Dec); 1936 (Jan – Dec); 1937 (Vol. 32); 1938 (Vol. 33); 1939 (Vol. 34). These are library bound volumes that were discarded.

Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology -- 1949 (Vol. 44); 1951 (Vol. 46); 1950 (Vol. 45); 1963 (Vol. 66, issue 6). These are original paper issues with much shelf wear.

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology – 1981 (Vol. 40, 41); 1983 (Vol. 44, 45); 1984 (Vol. 46, 47); 1985 (Vol. 48, 49). These are the original paper issues with some sun fading on the spines.

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology – 1986 (Vol. 50, 51); 1987 (Vol. 52); 1988 (Vol. 54); 1993 (all); 1994 (all); 1996-2001 (all). These are the original paper issues with some sun fading on the spines with the ones from the 1980s.

Journal of Business and Psychology – 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002. These are paper, library discards and a incomplete on some years.

If you are interested, please email me and we can work out the shipping.


William Dragon
Department of Psychology
Cornell College
600 First Street SW
Mt. Vernon, IA 52314-1098

1-319-895-4281 (O)
1-319-895-4478 (FAX)

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