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 New Trial Skills Journal
Posted by: Rita Handrich, Ph.D.
Title/Position: Editor, The Jury Expert
School/Organization: American Society of Trial Consultants
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: November 9th, 2008

I am Editor of the new trial skills journal published by the American Society of Trial Consultants. We feature social sciences research articles by academics with commentary by trial consultants as well as articles on litigation advocacy skills by experienced trial consultants.

Our journal is free and anyone can subscribe.

I'm hoping you will forward this announcement on to mailing lists, colleagues, friends and maybe even your mothers. As social scientists, this is an opportunity to write about your work and be heard by a whole new audience who want to put your findings to work in the litigation arena.

For litigators, the insights offered in The Jury Expert are interesting, relevant, thought-provoking and stimulating. The current issue features articles on preparing narcissistic witnesses, using persuasion in the courtroom, solution-focused mediation, buffer statutes [written by a law student], visual communication, a new training program for law students in Chicago, and a piece on witness preparation.

We publish every two months so our next issue will be uploaded in about two weeks.

You can take a look at us on the web at:

to see the quality content we offer.


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