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Self and Identity Preconference at SPSP
Posted by:
Hart Blanton
Texas A&M University
Sent to listserv of:
Date posted:
October 8th, 2008
We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for the 2009 Self and Identity Preconference for SPSP, sponsored by the International Society for Self and Identity (ISSI). This preconference will take place on Thursday, February 5th, prior to the SPSP Meeting in Tampa, Florida.
This year's session features an excellent set of speakers who are exploring ways that basic self processes shape consequential life outcomes. The preconference will also feature presentations from this year's recipients of the ISSI Early Career Award and the Lifetime Career Award. I encourage all who are interested to check out our program at:
You can also use that link to register to attend. The cost of registration is $75 for ISSI members and $90 for ISSI non-members. Cost of admissions covers the expense of breakfast, two coffee breaks and a buffet lunch.