Listserv Message Center

Quantitative Job at Northwestern University |
Posted by: | Galen Bodenhausen |
Title/Position: | Professor of Psychology and Marketing |
School/Organization: | Northwestern University |
Sent to listserv of: | SPSP, SESP |
Date posted: | September 24th, 2008 |
We would love to get applications from social and personality psychologists for this rank-open faculty search in quantitative methods. See below for more information.
THE DEPARTMENTS OF PSYCHOLOGY and MARKETING, NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY, invite applications for an open rank (tenured or non-tenured) position in Quantitative Methods, to begin September 2009. We are interested in outstanding applicants from all areas of quantitative methodology. Qualifications include outstanding research and teaching ability. The appointment will be joint between the Departments of Psychology and Marketing. Interested candidates should send a statement of research interests, curriculum vitae, copies of recent publications, and at least three letters of recommendation to the Quantitative Search Committee, Department of Psychology, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208-2710, USA. Inquiries may be addressed to . We especially encourage minority applicants to apply. Applications received before November 1 will receive higher priority. AA/EOE