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 Senior Search
Posted by: Jennifer Lerner
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: Harvard University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: September 22nd, 2008


The Harvard Kennedy School invites applications for a faculty position at the full (tenured) professor level. We are looking for a scholar in the behavioral sciences who can help to lead our efforts in research and teaching in the field of public leadership. The particular area of specialization within the fields of social psychology, organizational behavior, and personality psychology is open, but the candidate's substantive interests should be appropriate for a professional school of government and should complement those of the current faculty in management and leadership, broadly defined. Successful candidates for this position will have a strong record of research, including a strong record of attracting extramural funding for the research and a strong demonstrated interest in public leadership and public policy. The successful candidate should also have an excellent record of teaching and mentoring, preferably in a professional school and/or with professional students. Experience in teaching mid-career students and executive programs is especially valued. Some of the courses the successful candidate could potentially teach at Harvard Kennedy School include "Social Psychology for Public Managers," "Negotiation," "Judgment and Decision Making," doctoral seminars in the scholar's areas of interest, and executive programs for public leaders and decision-makers. Specific teaching assignments would be tailored to the successful candidate.

Review of applications begins on September 1, 2008, and will continue until an appropriate candidate is found. Interested candidates should mail their applications to Professor Jennifer S. Lerner, Faculty Search Committee, Kennedy School of Government, 79 JFK Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 no later than October 31, 2008. Candidates should submit a curriculum vitae, a statement of research and teaching interests, and representative publications. Any candidates who advance to the final stage of the search will be asked to have three letters of recommendation submitted.
An Equal Employment/Affirmative Action Employer, Harvard University especially welcomes and encourages applications from women, minorities and members of other underrepresented groups.


At Harvard Kennedy School, our mission is to train public leaders and to generate the ideas that provide the answers to our most challenging public problems. Through our rigorous educational programs and cutting-edge research initiatives, we seek to influence and improve governance and the development of smart public policy at all levels.

Harvard Kennedy School attracts prominent scholars and leading practitioners from around the globe who are committed to exceptional teaching and groundbreaking research. Our faculty and researchers are leaders in their academic disciplines as well as practitioners from every sector who play active roles in shaping public policy, advising governments and nonprofit organizations, and devising new entrepreneurial approaches to public problems. They have helped reduce nuclear stockpiles, led efforts to address climate change, drawn attention to human rights abuses, helped countries emerge from poverty and so much more. Faculty work directly with students -- conducting research, facilitating dialogue and developing innovative policy options.

Harvard Kennedy School brings together a unique and diverse group of individuals committed to the public interest from across continents and across sectors. Scholars and practitioners, public officials and social entrepreneurs, educators and students teach and learn from one another in a vibrant atmosphere of intense inquiry and open dialogue. This unique international learning environment provides a stimulating setting in which to develop highly skilled public leaders and innovative solutions that can influence societies and improve lives.

The Harvard Kennedy School seeks to expand in the areas of social-personality psychology and judgment and decision making. With that goal in mind, we have created a new PhD track in judgment and decision making, and have built of a state-of-the art, bio-behavioral laboratory for judgment and decision research.

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