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 Clinical Psychology Position (including Health Psychology)
Posted by: Leslie Ashburn-Nardo
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: Indiana University--Purdue University Indianapolis
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: September 5th, 2008

Please forward to interested persons:

The Department of Psychology at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) invites applications for a tenure-track position in clinical psychology (open rank) to begin August 2009. Our APA-accredited PhD clinical psychology program adheres to the scientist-practitioner model and focuses on chronic health conditions and severe mental illness. We seek applicants in any area of health psychology, neuropsychology, and/or psychiatric rehabilitation. The successful candidate will be expected to maintain an active, externally-funded research program and to contribute to graduate and undergraduate education. Applicants at the Associate or Full Professor level must have a demonstrated record of research excellence, a history of external funding, and a strong record of mentoring trainees. Salary is competitive and generous startup funds are provided. Tenure may be offered to senior candidates, depending on the candidate's qualifications.

IUPUI is Indiana’s premier urban public research institution, with 22 schools enrolling nearly 30,000 students. IUPUI is the second-largest campus in the Indiana University system, and is the home campus for statewide programs in the health and life sciences ( The Department has 21 full-time faculty, 500 undergraduate majors, and two additional graduate programs in Industrial/Organizational Psychology (MS) and Psychobiology of Addictions (PhD) ( The campus includes programs in the arts and sciences, medicine, nursing, dentistry, and law. Cooperative research and clinical opportunities are encouraged both within the School of Science, and with other units of the University including the School of Medicine, teaching hospitals on campus, and with a variety of health-care facilities in central Indiana.

Applicants should electronically send a cover letter, a vita, a detailed description of their research program, three representative reprints or preprints, and a statement of teaching interests to Applicants should have three reference letters sent separately to Gary Bond, Chair, Clinical Search Committee, Department of Psychology, IUPUI, 402 N. Blackford St., Indianapolis, IN 46202-3275. Review of the applications will begin on November 15, 2008 and continue until the position is filled. IUPUI is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer with a strong commitment to increasing faculty diversity – we seek to attract a diverse applicant pool for this position, including women and members of minority groups.

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