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 Social Influence Announcement and Free Article
Posted by: Kip Williams
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: Purdue University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: September 5th, 2008

Dear Colleagues,

Social Influence has received over 50 submissions within the last 8 months, and the average processing time per article is less than a month! We are still shooting for the 3-week mark, but we are encouraged with our current turn-around time. Even those whose papers are rejected have praised the speed and quality of the reviews. This is in large part due to the fantastic job our reviewers have done to commit to, and follow through on reading and critiquing the submission within a 2-week period. Thank you, reviewers!

As our way of getting the word out, we would like to give you all a free article that will be published in the hard copy of Social Influence in January 2009:

“Status Quo Framing Increases Support for Torture”

In this timely article, Chris Crandall, Scott Eidelman, Linda Skitka, and G. Scott Morgan tested how the practice of torture of prisoners of war or criminal suspects can be characterized as longstanding to enhance its acceptability.

Their findings are controversial and potentially explosive; something as destructive as torture can be made, unconsciously, much more acceptable, by deliberately characterizing the practice as something that's been done for years into the past.

URL for the article on Informaworld:

Thanks, and please consider submitting your work to Social Influence.


Kip Williams, Editor
Social Influence

For information on submitting to Social Influence, click here:

Kipling D. Williams
Department of Psychological Sciences
703 Third Street
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907

phone: 765-494-0845

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