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Available Positions
Posted by:
Linda L. Marshall
Professor & Chair, Dept. of Psychology
University of North Texas
Sent to listserv of:
Date posted:
July 15th, 2008
The University of North Texas is searching to fill four positions:
(1) A senior associate or full professor who conducts research related to ethnic minorities, preferably Latinos/Latinas or African Americans. We are completely open to approach and content, so indirect associations would also be of interest.
(2) 2nd year search for someone to teach graduate statistics -- the required courses and advanced electives. We do not want a "pure" quantitative person. We'd prefer someone with other research interests who likes to teach statistics.
(3) Director of Clinical Training for our APA-accredited program in clinical psychology. We also have APA-accredited programs in Counseling and Clinical Health.
(4) Assistant professor position specializing in psychotherapy research with adults.
I need word of mouth help for these positions -- thanks for whatever you can do to help. For additional details and instructions on applying, please see: