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 Social Cognition Summer Conference Registration
Posted by: Lisa L. Massi Lindsey, Ph.D.
Title/Position: Visiting Assistant Professor
School/Organization: Michigan State University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: May 13th, 2008

The Communication and Social Cognition Division of the National Communication Association is hosting a summer conference (July 2008) focused on Methods and Measures for Communication and Cognition Research.

Are you interested in...
learning more about cutting-edge research in cognition?
learning new and exciting ways to dig deeper into human behavior and cognition?
meeting researchers doing state-of-the-art scholarship in human cognition?

If so, join the 2008 Summer Conference on Methods and Measures for Communication and Cognition Research!

Thursday, 10 July through Sunday, 13 July
Inn & Conference Center, College Park, Maryland


Register no later than 10 June 2008 for discounted registration! After 10 June, all registration prices increase by $25. For more detailed information about the conference and registration, please visit the Communication and Social Cognition Summer Conference web site:


This conference is designed to provide an opportunity for participants to become familiar with technological advances and cutting-edge statistical methods for studying cognitive processes. Scholars from multiple disciplines (e.g., Communication, Psychology, Linguistics, Computer Science) will present and demonstrate these latest developments, introducing conference participants to new possibilities for studying social cognition and communication.

Four sessions will include lectures by invited experts in technology and methodology for studying communication and cognition. Four workshops will highlight researchers demonstrating the use of sophisticated analytic techniques. A high-density paper session will focus on recent work using these methods. Also, a plenary session will feature keynote speaker David Roskos-Ewoldsen, Editor, Communication Methods and Measures, who will discuss the dynamic relationship between theory and methods.

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