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 HLM Workshop on Diary and Dyadic Data
Posted by: Paula Pietromonaco
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: University of Massachusetts
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: May 6th, 2008

The Center for Research on Families at the University of Massachusetts Amherst announces a workshop on:

Modeling Diary and Dyadic Data
July 15-17, 2008
University of Massachusetts Amherst

The Audience:
This workshop is for social psychologists, clinical and developmental psychologists, family and medical sociologists, gerontologists, social workers, communication researchers, and researchers of marketing and organizational behavior.

The Instructors:
Dr. Jean-Philippe Laurenceau, Psychology Department, University of Delaware
Dr. Laurenceau’s interest is in diary methods to study close relationships and applying modern methods for the analysis of change.

Dr. Niall Bolger, Psychology Department, Columbia University
Dr. Bolger’s interest is in designing intensive longitudinal studies to observe how interpersonal processes unfold in real-world settings and developing new methodologies for the analysis of diary data.

Workshop Description:
Diary methods allow researchers to examine dyadic processes within the context of daily life in a way that is typically not possible with more traditional methods. Dyadic data acquired via diary methods present several data analytic challenges stemming from various sources of interdependence in these data. Traditional statistical methods (e.g., ANOVA, regression) typically focus on observations that are independently sampled, whereas dyadic diary data are inherently non-independent. Not only is there non-independence between members of the dyad, but also non-independence of observations within each dyad member.

The hierarchical linear model (HLM) provides a conceptual framework and a flexible set of analytic tools to study interpersonal and family processes. One major application focuses on modeling longitudinal data where intensively measured (e.g., daily) time series data are clustered within persons. A second application concerns the analysis of dyads, where individual responses are clustered within couples, sibships, caregiving dyads, or other matched pairs. This workshop will consider the formulation of statistical models for these two applications (analysis of diary data, analysis of dyadic data) and their intersection (analysis of dyadic diary data).

The course will meet 8 hours per day, devoting equal time to lecture-demonstration and a computer lab. The focus will be on using the multilevel regression modeling framework (e.g., HLM) with some application using SEM. Participants should have strong backgrounds in multiple regression analysis. A list of likely topics includes:

--Introduction to multilevel models for diary data
--Allowing for auto-correlated error terms
--Testing mediation in diary data
--Dyadic consensus and discrepancy
--Partners as multivariate outcomes
--Actor-partner interdependence model
--Exchangeable vs. distinguishable dyads
--Extending multilevel modeling to dyadic diary data
--Separating state and trait effects with centering
--Dichotomous outcomes
--Psychometrics of diary measures

Workshop Details:
When: Tuesday, July 15—half day
12:00—4:30 p.m.
Afternoon snack provided
Wed. July 16 and Thurs. July 17
9:00—4:30 p.m. Morning snack provided
Lunch: Tues, Wed. and Thursday (on your own)

Where: Campus Center, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Fee: $500.00 - General (before June 15)
$550.00 - General (after June 15)
$350.00 - CRF Affiliates/Students
Optional: $24 –2 CEU credits

To Register:
Please visit our website at to download a mail-in registration form.

If you have questions, contact Janet Barstow at 413-545-3905 or email at

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