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 APA 2007 Division 8 Schedule
Posted by: C. Raymond Knee, Ph.D. (Chip)
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: University of Houston
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: June 7th, 2007


Below is a schedule of Division 8 programming at APA 2007, including days, times, and locations. You can also see this information here:

We encourage our colleagues to attend the meeting and continue to promote the science of Division 8.

To register for the convention, please visit the convention web site at:

Come join us in sunny San Francisco!

C. Raymond Knee (Chip)
APA Division 8 Program Chair

Division 8 Programming at the APA Convention
San Francisco, August 17th-20th, 2007


9:00-9:50 Rm. 2010 Invited Address:
Greg Herek
Confronting Sexual Prejudice: Theory and Practice

10:00-10:50 Rm. 2003 Invited Address:
Roy Baumeister
Is There Anything Good About Men?

11:00-11:50 Halls ABC Poster Session:
Personality, Culture, Identity

1:00-1:50 Rm. 2009 Henry Murray Award Address:
Bertram Cohler
Writing Lives, Writing Times: Life-Story and Social Context

2:00-3:50 Rm. 3011 Symposium: Psychological Reactions to Terror
Amy Ai, Andreas Kastenmueller, Peter Fischer, Immo Fritsche

4:00-5:50 Marriott Hotel Yerba Buena 1 & 2
SPSP/SPSSI Social Hour


8:00-8:50 Rm. 306 & 308 Invited Address:
Phil Zimbardo
The Psychology of Evil: The Lucifer Effect in Action

8:00-9:50 Rm. 238 Symposium: Gender and Social Power: Expectations and Consequences
Melissa Williams, Carrie Langner, Laura Kray, Stephanie Shields

12:00-1:50 Rm. 2001 Presidential Symposium: Launching Diversity Science
Anthony Greenwald, Claude Steele, Mahzarin Banaji, David Takeuchi, Marc Bendick, Alexandra Kalev, Jennifer Eberhardt, Linda Hamilton Krieger

12:00-1:50 Rm. 2006 Cross-Cutting Symposium: Self-Regulation: Cutting Across Disciplines
Roy Baumeister, Jutta Heckhausen, Marsha Bates, Christopher Hertzog, William Graziano

1:00-1:50 Rm. 2004 Dist. Scientific Contribution Award:
Marilynn Brewer
The Importance of Being 'We.' Social Identity and Intergroup Relations

2:00-2:50 Rm. 238 Invited Address:
Timothy Loving
Daters’ Behavior, Physiology, and Relationship Outcomes: It’s Certainly the Uncertainty

3:00-3:50 Halls ABC Poster Session
Social Cognition and Health

4:00-5:50 Rm. 301 Symposium: The Search for Meaning: Emerging Research Spanning the Juncture of Social and Clinical Psychology
Michael Steger, Laura King, Robert Emmons, Christopher Davis, Crystal Park, Roy Baumeister


8:00-8:50 Rm. 226 Symposium: Trait High Sensitivity: Brain Processes/ Structure and U.S.-Asian Comparisons
Arthur Aron, Jadzia Jaqiellowicz, Hal Ersner-Hershfield, Elaine Aron

9:00-9:50 Rm. 3000 Invited Address:
Lisa Diamond
Implications of Attachment for Affect, Behavior, and Physiology over the Life Course

10:00-10:50 Rm. 3000 Invited Address:
Michael Zarate
The Implications of Cultural Inertia for Assimilation and Multiculturalism

11:00-11:50 Rm. 3011 Presidential Address:
Harry Reis
What Social Psychologists Would Like to Tell Clinical Psychologists about Close Relationships

12:00-1:50 Rm. 2010 Symposium: Self-Affirmation in Individual and Group Processes
David Sherman, J.D. Creswell, Teceta Tormala, Geoffrey Cohen, Steven Spencer

2:00-3:50 Rm. 309 Presidential Symposium: Actual Innocence: Contributions of Psychological Science to the Correction and Prevention of Wrongful Convictions
Saul Kassin, Gary Wells, Lawrence Wrightsman, Jr.

3:00-4:50 Rm. 310 Presidential Symposium: A Challenge for Psychology in our Time: Understanding the Causes of Terrorism
Tom Pyszczynski, Arie Kruglanski, Xiaoyan Chen, Jessica Stern


8:00-9:50 Rm. 222 Symposium: New Directions in Self-Conscious Emotion Research
Jessica Tracy, Richard Robins, Margaret Kemeny, Mark Leary, Kristin Lagatut

10:00-10:50 Halls ABC Poster Session
Relationships and Emotion

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