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 Dissertation Award Competition Announcement
Posted by: Nancy Nock
Title/Position: Administrative Assistant
School/Organization: Jepson School of Leadership Studies, U of Richmond
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: May 22nd, 2006


The Jepson School of Leadership Studies at the University of Richmond seeks submissions for the 2006 Fredric M. Jablin Dissertation Award. This award was established to honor and celebrate the life of Dr. Fredric M. Jablin (1952-2004). The award will be given annually to a scholar(s) whose dissertation research, while on any topic and from any discipline, must demonstrate substantial insights and implications for leadership studies.

The Jepson School of Leadership Studies is partnering with the International Leadership Association to publicize the award and to recognize the outstanding scholarship of the recipient(s). In order to be eligible for the award competition, a dissertation must be completed between August 1, 2004, and August 1, 2006. This years’ recipient(s) will be honored at the Eighth Annual Conference of the International Leadership Association, November 2-5, in Chicago, where they will be asked to present their dissertation research. The recipient(s) of the award will also receive the following:

• $1000 cash prize from the Jepson School of Leadership Studies
• Travel expenses to the ILA conference
• Complimentary one year membership to the ILA
• Complimentary ILA conference registration

All submissions must be received by August 15, 2006. Finalists will be notified by September 15, 2006. Interested parties should send a letter of interest, a brief biographical note, one substantive dissertation chapter (specifically, the chapter that best represents the author’s dissertation), and verification of the dissertation defense date (e.g., a letter from the dissertation advisor) to J. Thomas Wren, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Jepson School of Leadership Studies, University of Richmond, Virginia 23173. Candidates are welcome to submit their materials on a diskette or compact disc in Word format or to email submissions as attachments to Further information about the Dissertation Award can be found at <>, the web site for the Jepson School of Leadership Studies.

The Jepson School of Leadership Studies at the University of Richmond endeavors to further scholarship and educate students and others for and about leadership through curricula, events and programs ( The International Leadership Association is the global network for all those who practice, study, and teach leadership (

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