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 Benefit Symposia
Posted by: Kevin Lanning
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: Wilkes Honors College of FAU
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: September 12th, 2005

Many of us do not have a great deal of financial resources that we could devote to the victims of Katrina. There is something that we can share, however, and that is our scholarship, reflection and analysis.

At my own university I am organizing a series of interdisciplinary symposia or panel discussions on "The Meanings of Katrina." The series, which will begin in late October, is intended to provide an occasion for thoughtful consideration of the implications of Katrina and, more importantly, to raise funds for charitable organizations working on behalf of its victims. In developing the program I have received a great deal of interest from across my own campus; I anticipate that the community will be receptive as well.

If you are interested in setting up something similar at your own campus, please send me an email -- I would be happy to describe the program in more detail, to share the CFP that we are using here, and also to pass along any lessons that we learn as we move forward on this.

Thanks and regards,
Kevin Lanning

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