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 Call: Study of Inconsistency in Enforcement
Posted by: Julien Etienne
Title/Position: Research Fellow
School/Organization: London School of Economics
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: January 8th, 2015

Contract research opportunity

The British Food Standards Agency (FSA) has issued a call for tender, for a contract to conduct an experimental assessment of individual-level factors of inconsistency in enforcement decisions.

The FSA seeks a contractor to investigate and understand better the individual-level factors (as opposed to local-, regional- or national-level factors) behind inconsistencies in the implementation of food hygiene regulations. This will be achieved by designing and conducting an experimental study, which will document inconsistencies within a population of individual food hygiene inspectors and attempt to identify factors to explain them.

The document accessible using the following link outlines the Agency's requirement in more detail.

Additional documentation is available on the FSA electronic public procurement system website, ePPS, following the link: Tenders must be submitted through the ePPS system.

The closing date for submissions is the 25th of January 2015.

Dr Julien Etienne
Research Fellow
Social Science Research Unit, Food Standards Agency ; +44 207 276 8186
Centre for Analysis of Risk and Regulation, London School of Economics and Political Science ; +44 207 955 6349

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