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 Disclose Methods Details at
Posted by: Etienne P. LeBel
Title/Position: Postdoctoral Fellow
School/Organization: University of Western Ontario
Sent to listserv of: SESP
Date posted: December 19th, 2012

Recently, several common research practices in psychology have been highlighted as potentially impeding knowledge development and hurting the reputation of our field. For instance, it has become acceptable -- and action editors often have required authors -- to selectively exclude and report measures, manipulations, samples, and analyses on the basis of whether these practices yielded significant results or told more compelling stories rather than for principled reasons.

Independent of the source of these suboptimal research practices, it is our belief that many of us would appreciate the opportunity to provide more details about the methods actually used to obtain findings reported in published articles. Our initiative provides this opportunity. ( provides authors of published articles in Psychology an opportunity to publically disclose four categories of important methodological details that are not required to be disclosed under current reporting standards, but which are essential for interpreting research findings.

To disclose such methodological details for any of your articles from any psychology journal, please visit for more details.


Etienne P. LeBel, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Psychology
Social Science Centre, RM 7312
The University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, CANADA N6A 5C2

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