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 General Social Survey (GSS)
Posted by: Kellina Craig-Henderson
Title/Position: Deputy Division Director, SBE/SES
School/Organization: National Science Foundation
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: May 29th, 2012


Summary: The General Social Survey invites proposals to add questions to its anticipated 2014 survey. Proposals will accepted on the basis of scientific quality and scholarly interest. Outside funding is not necessary. The deadline for submissions is 15, 2012.


Pending the availability of sufficient funds, the General Social Survey (GSS) project expects to include some items or topical modules designed by users in its 2014 survey, and invites users to submit proposals recommending such items or modules. Proposals submitted in response to this call need not be accompanied by funding that would support costs of data collection and data processing. They will be judged with their scientific merit as a primary consideration.

Proposals for New Content

Proposals submitted in response to this call may advocate inclusion of supplementary GSS content that varies in length, from as little as a single survey question to as much as a topical module of interrelated questions that might require 5 minutes or more of interview time.

Proposals should articulate the specific research issues that the proposer would address and the scientific objectives that would be met if the proposed items were added to the GSS. Ideally, proposals will include the specific wording of survey items, document their past use and performance in other surveys, and present evidence bearing on the quality of data (validity, reliability, item nonresponse, etc.) they elicit. Demonstrating that items have proved fruitful in past published work, or that their inclusion would contribute to better understanding in key social science fields or interdisciplinary domains, can strengthen proposals. In some cases, however, users may be able only to suggest a general topic area and give examples of topics and types of items. Items that have synergies with existing GSS content, or that promise to interest a large number of GSS users, will be of interest.

Please see the following for additional details regarding this call:

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