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 Web Study Recruitment
Posted by: Arlen Moller
Title/Position: graduate student
School/Organization: University of Rochester
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: March 22nd, 2005

To whom it may concern:

We are recruiting individuals from all walks of life to participate in a web study being conducted by Arlen Moller and Ed Deci at the University of Rochester. This study is focused on motivation and aggression and takes about 15-20 minutes to complete.

Instructors looking for opportunities to acquaint their students with active research may find this study appropriate. At the end of the study we provide a thoughtful debriefing on the context of this research and hypotheses being tested.

To begin the study, use the following link:

With warm regards,

Arlen Moller


Please feel free to forward this email.

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