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 Call for Papers
Posted by: Jennifer Fehr
Title/Position: Scientist
School/Organization: Knowledge Media Research Center
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP
Date posted: February 2nd, 2011

Call for Papers:
A Topical Issue of the Journal of Psychology on
“Self-Control and Self-Regulation in Social Contexts”
Guest Editors: Kai Sassenberg & Jennifer Fehr (Knowledge Media Research Center, Tübingen, Germany)

Since the seminal work of Carver and Scheier (1981), the fields of motivation, personality, and social psychology, like many other domains, have seen more and more research on self-control and self-regulation. Both of these concepts focus on the intrapersonal processes during goal-striving. While self-control research addresses cognition and behavior individuals perform intentionally and consciously, self-regulation targets automatic, highly efficient, and non-intentional mechanisms. Concepts like ego depletion, implementation intentions, and regulatory focus have been demonstrated to play a powerful role in human motivational processes. The focus of this topical issue of the Journal of Psychology on “Self-Control and Self-Regulation in Social Contexts” includes, but is not limited to, the concepts listed above. The issue seeks to cover a broad range of research studying individuals’ self-regulation and self-control in social contexts, including work on interpersonal and intergroup relations, attitudes and social cognition, human development, personality, organizational behavior, and other fields.

The topical issue invites submissions of empirical and theoretical papers dedicated to self-regulation and self-control. We invite scholars to submit contributions electronically to:
Jennifer Fehr (

For additional information, please contact:
Kai Sassenberg ( or
Jennifer Fehr (

There is a two-stage submissions process. Initially, authors are requested to submit only abstracts of their proposed papers. Authors requested to submit full papers should then do so. All papers will undergo full peer review.

Deadline for submission of abstracts is June 15, 2011.
Deadline for submission of full papers is October 15, 2011.

The journal seeks to maintain a short turnaround time, with the final version of the accepted papers being due by February 15, 2012. The topical issue will be published as issue 3 (2012).

The Zeitschrift für Psychologie / Journal of Psychology was founded in 1890 and is the second oldest psychology journal in the world. One of the founding editors was Hermann Ebbinghaus. Since 2007, it is published in English and included in the PsycARTICLES database.

Guidelines for article preparation:

* Only English-language submissions can be considered.
* Contributions must be original (not published previously or currently under review for publication elsewhere).
* Regular articles should not exceed 45,000 characters and spaces in length, including references, figures, and tables (allowances for figures and tables should be deducted on the basis of size – approximately 1,250 characters for a quarter-page figure/table).
* Other submission formats (research summaries, opinion pieces, etc.) may be considered, please contact the Editors for details.
* Reference citations in the text and in the reference list should be in accordance with the principles set out in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.) – see also any recent issue of the journal.

For further details, please visit:

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