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 Philosophy and Psychology Call for Papers
Posted by: Bertram F. Malle
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: Brown University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP
Date posted: December 19th, 2010

~ Call for Papers ~

Joint Meeting of the
Society for Philosophy and Psychology and the
European Society for Philosophy and Psychology

6-10 July 2011

Université du Québec à Montréal , Montreal, Canada

Papers may be submitted for oral or poster presentation. Submitted papers are refereed and selected on the basis of quality and relevance to philosophy, psychology and other sciences of the mind.

Submissions should be tailored to one of the following formats:

(1) Philosophy Talks -- Papers must not exceed a length of 3,500 words and should be accompanied by an abstract (of less than 300 words).

(2) Psychology Talks -- An abstract of not more than 1000 words should be accompanied by short abstract (of less than 300 words).

(3) Posters (Only) in Any Discipine -- An abstract of not more than 500 words.

We welcome submissions in all related areas, including but not limited to the other sciences of the mind. Authors working in those areas should select the most appropriate submission format. Submitted papers/abstracts that are not accepted for oral presentation will automatically be considered for presentation as posters (unless the author stipulates otherwise).

Papers and abstracts must be written in a format appropriate for anonymous review and employ gender-neutral language. Individual authors may submit only one paper or abstract as first author, though they may be co-authors on other submissions.

This year's submission deadline is 15 February 2011.

All submissions will be made using our online submission system, which is now open. Check the website for more information:

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