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 Faculty Search in Marketing at SYSU in China
Posted by: Bing Shi
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: Sun-Yat Sen University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: October 9th, 2010

Dear Colleagues,

The Marketing Department at Sun-Yat Sen University in China has announced two tenure-track faculty positions. One is at the Assistant Professor level and the other at the Associate Professor level. The full job advertisement is as follows. Please inform interested parties of our opening.

Bing Shi
Assistant Professor
Marketing Department
School of Business
Sun-Yat Sen University, China


The Department of Marketing at Sun Yat-Sen University in China invites applications for two tenure-track faculty positions to begin September 2011. One is at the Assistant Professor level and the other at the Associate Professor level.

Applicants for the Assistant Professor position are expected to have a Ph.D. or ABD status in psychology/marketing, and demonstrate promise for a high-quality research program and a commitment to teaching excellence. Applicants for the Associate Professor position should have a Ph.D. or ABD status in psychology/marketing, and have a record of scholarly productivity, teaching excellence at the graduate level, and contribution to the doctoral program.

The School of Business at Sun Yat-Sen University is one of the leading business schools in China. It offers Executive and MBA programs, a doctoral program, and undergraduate programs. This year the School of Business welcomes a new Dean, Dr. Yadong Luo, who is the Emery Means Findley, Jr. Distinguished Chair of Graduate Business Studies and Professor of Management at University of Miami. The Dean further promotes the faculty’s growth potentials in academia. For more information about him, please visit:

The Department of Marketing values excellence in research and teaching, offers an excellent research environment and facilities. Research at the department covers areas such as consumer behavior, branding strategy, service marketing, and marketing communications.

The School offers highly competitive salaries, housing assistance, and relocation expenses. Generous research and travel grants, conference funding, and research assistance are also provided. For more information about the department and school, please visit:

Interested applicants are encouraged to contact: (1) the Chair of the Marketing Department, Professor Haizhong WANG (email: , telephone: 86-20-84112603, 86-13710025516), and (2) the School HR Secretary, Ms. Ruiming Huang (email:, telephone: 86-20-84113631) for more details. Applicants should send their CV, a research statement, teaching evaluations, three letters of recommendation, and papers to the two contact persons.

We are looking forward to your participation in the Marketing Department.

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