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 Covariance-Based SEM Workshop Using R System
Posted by: Geoffrey Hubona
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: Georgia State University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: February 7th, 2010

In conjunction with faculty at Memorial University and Georgia State University, we are conducting an eight-hour live, synchronous, "hands on," interactive, audio- and video-supported online academic workshop on covariance-based structural equation modeling (CB-SEM) using the open source R system for statistical computing on March 26-27 @ 12 Noon - 4PM EST (GMT-5). The workshop combines "how-to" instruction on CB-SEM techniques at both the introductory and more advanced levels with numerous live, 'hands on' exercises and associated data sets. Both faculty and students are invited to attend. No travel is necessary to participate.

The presenter is Joerg Evermann, an associate professor at Memorial University of Newfoundland in St. John's Canada. Dr. Evermann has presented similar workshops and relevant papers at the ACIS, AMCIS and ICIS International conferences, as well as published in numerous academic journals.

The registration fee for faculty/practitioners is $250 USD and for students $175 USD (using the discount code "student4" when registering). There is much more information about the: (1) workshop (including a detailed outline and the approximate workshop slides); (2) workshop costs/policies; and (3) workshop instructor at the registration site: (please copy and paste url into browser address bar).

In addition to participating in the live workshop, participants also receive: (1) all workshop slides, materials, "hands-on" exercises and data sets; (2) the open source R statistical software to use with their own data and research projects; (3) relevant citations and other literature; and (4) complete audio- and video- recordings of the workshop sessions (available at no extra charge for an extended period after the workshop is concluded).

The workshop is presented using the award-winning Elluminate Live! eDistance learning platform. All that is required to participate is a fast, reliable Internet connection (not dial-up) and a set of inexpensive headphones with a microphone. There is no cost for participants to use the Elluminate Live! platform. This live, interactive workshop is available from any location on Earth.

Questions may be addressed to There is also more information available at (please copy and paste URL).

Geoffrey S. Hubona
Associate Professor
Computer Information Systems
J. Mack Robinson College of Business
Georgia State University
Atlanta, Georgia

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