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 Linux Engineer
Institution/Organization: marketing analyst
Job Location: New York, U.S.A.
Contact Person: rishikanna
Date Posted: July 2nd, 2020
Web Site:

Engineers need to understand how the hardware of Linux OS works and must be knowledgeable about Storage Area Networks (SAN) servers. They set up configurations for network, database, and high availability services, besides designing and developing OS system configurations for software packages.

Engineers automate standardized steps, perform scripts, and complete instructions lists, provide sophisticated monitoring and troubleshooting for Linux-based servers that are virtualized, use troubleshooting procedures and technical information to identify severity of incidents and carry out accordingly the resolution process, research issues that do not have a recognized solution and prepare a resolution process for them, partner with application developers to create strong software products, and write and maintain scripts, such as python and shell, that automate tech operations.

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