Request Form to Add a Study Link
If you would like Social Psychology Network to add a link to your web-based study, please complete the form below. To qualify, links must be to an individual study (not to a page with multiple studies), and the research must:
- Be closely related to social or personality psychology
- Be approved by an Institutional Review Board or Ethics Committee
- Involve no more than minimal risk to participants
- Not involve deception
- Adhere fully to the SPN User Policy
- Secure informed consent before asking visitors to answer any questions or begin participating in any way (click here for details). Your consent form must be publicly accessible without password protection and must include:
- A statement such as "This study has been approved by the X University Institutional Review Board" (not simply state that the study has been reviewed)
- The name and full contact information of the supervising researchers
- Full contact information (including an email address) of the IRB or Ethics Committee
Note: This page is not for students who are researching a term paper topic -- it is for psychological studies that collect data from human participants. Also, commercial or clinical studies are not eligible for inclusion. If your research does not meet all six criteria above, please do not use this submission form.