In this assignment, your task will be to take the Diet & Lifestyle Choices Interview offered by eInterview.org, a Social Psychology Network partner site that carries out web-based interviews on complex topics such as race relations, discrimination, and moral decision making.

Step I: Visit eInterview.org
Visit the eInterview.org web site and click on the link to take the Diet & Lifestyle Choices Interview. The interview usually takes 20-30 minutes to complete, and it should be taken alone and without interruptions or distractions. When prompted for your email address, please enter it so that there is an electronic record of you taking the interview.

Step II: Write About Your Experience
Write a one-page report answering the following questions:
- What was it like to take the interview?
- How did taking a web interview compare with taking a traditional human interview?
- Did the "interviewer" seem to have a personality, and if so, how would you describe it?
- Were there any instances in which the interview questions didn't make sense or seemed to contain errors in wording or logic?
- Do you have suggestions for how the interview could be improved?

Step III: Submit Your Paper Via Moodle in PDF Format
To receive full credit, you must submit via Moodle a one-page, double-spaced PDF document that has your name on it and uses 1" margins and 12-point font. Papers submitted in non-PDF format will receive half credit (PDF is required because the export and file combination system of Moodle and Adobe Acrobat don't work with other file formats, such as Word, Pages, and txt). No time extensions will be given except in cases of a family or medical emergency, so please be sure to upload your paper well before class on the day that it's due.

Important Note
As its name implies, the Diet & Lifestyle Choices Interview will ask about your personal lifestyle choices. If for any reason you prefer not to take this interview, you may take eInterview's Race & Advertising Interview instead. Of the two, the Diet & Lifestyle Choices Interview offers more individualized questions, so that interview is the one recommended for this assignment. Also, as stated in the course syllabus, please remember: "If at any point you prefer not to complete an assignment (or if your attempt to complete it is unsuccessful), you can still receive full credit by turning in a one-page report discussing the psychological factors that prevented you from carrying out the assignment."
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