Beverly Renay Sninchak
Vita sine libris mors est (Life without books is death)
Primarily educated in the fields of Applied Communication, Mass Communication, and Philosophy (with an emphasis on Eastern belief systems and the philosophy of death and dying), Bev is currently seeking an advanced education in Forensic Psychology. Other areas of interest include Cognitive Behavior, Social Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, Media Psychology, and Spiritual Psychology, among others.
Ultimately, her aim is to use knowledge and education obtained from the study of these disciplines in order to explore, research, examine, teach, and write about topics that touch on both fields of Applied Communication and Psychology.
In addition, Bev plans to seek out fresh perspectives and discover emerging paradigms that address concerns and issues in the fast-paced environment of the 21st century (and beyond).
Bev's final goal is to effectively communicate about these areas of study to both lay people as well as those in academia.
Bev has been a full-time freelance writer, content producer, editorial service provider, and writing coach/instructor since May 1997.
Originally from Virginia, she grew up a military dependent. Over the years, she has visited eight foreign countries and 26 states in the U.S. Bev first came to Colorado in 1979. After living in Virginia and Oklahoma for many years, she returned to Colorado in June 2000. Bev considers Colorado Springs, Colorado her hometown.
Prior to becoming self-employed, Bev worked in banking, consumer credit, law enforcement, administration, and municipal government. She also held a part-time position at Meadowlake Behavioral Health Center in Enid, Oklahoma.
Since 1997, Bev has had hundreds of pieces published, both online and in print. In addition, she is the author of several books and a co-author of another. Writing and editing for a peer-reviewed journal or publication is another goal of hers.
In April 2013, Bev launched Triple Crow Publishing, a small e-publisher in Colorado Springs, CO. She has also edited and published several e-zines over the past 16+ years, including Pen & Pentacle, Inscriptions, and Scribe & Quill, an award-winning e-zine for writers with over 6,300 subscribers.
Bev's professional specialties include copy editing, freelance writing, manuscript editing, content production, blogging, SEO-specific content, consulting, proofreading, marketing, advertising, promotion, social media strategies, writing instruction, and creativity coaching.
Thank you for visiting Bev's profile. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact her via e-mail or through her website.
Primary Interests:
Bachelors, Applied Communication
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Bachelors, Mass Communication
Phillips University
Honors and Awards
- Phillips University—Talent_Service scholarship
- National Honor Society
- President's Academic List_University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
- Phillips University_Mass Communication scholarship
- Ft. Carson Officers Wives Club academic scholarship
- Top 10% of graduating class_Widefield H.S. (1983)_Colorado Springs, CO
- Gladitorial Academic Award_Widefield H.S._Colorado Springs, CO
- Finalist_Contemporary Division_MARA_Fiction from the Heartland Contest_1995
Work Experience
Professional author, freelance writer, blogger, editor, and writing instructor
Employer: Self-employed
May 1997 - present
Membership in Professional Organizations
- Social Psychology Network
- The Authors Guild
- Editorial Freelancers Association
- American Indian Science and Engineering Society
- National Writers Union
- Association Transcommunication (ATransC)
- Pikes Peak Writers
Languages Spoken
Native speaker
Basic proficiency
Basic proficiency
Basic proficiency
Basic proficiency
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Image Gallery
Beverly Renay Sninchak
2641 E. Uintah Street
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80932
United States of America
- Work: 719-357-8411
- Home: 719-357-8411
- Mobile: 719-224-4030
- Skype Name: scribequill