Ms. Akke Myrielle de Jong
Building bridges and forging sustainable futures!
I am a typical example of a post-war product of the Dutch colonial times. The Dutch East Indies were handed back to its rightful owners in 1949, and my parents moved to the "fatherland," the Netherlands, in 1957. As a babe in arms, I was not aware of the incredible change in surroundings, culture, and climate. What was blatantly obvious, though, was the fact that I certainly did not look Dutch or even Western, although my grandfather, a native Dutchman, had decided to take a position with the Royal Dutch Navy and moved to Indonesia in 1868, where he married my grandmother in Bandung (West-Java).
Growing up in the West enabled me to be part of a society that offered me all the advantages of education—coming from an academic background—and offering me career prospects, which were not as easily accessible for my peers, whose parents had made the choice to remain in Indonesia. I became aware of those facts when I returned to my motherland in 2004, and realising that my heart and my soul were embedded in Indonesian soil, I decided it was time to return something of that valuable know-how, expertise, and experience I had been fortunate enough to acquire during my life. The establishment of the Foundation Kebon Sepatu is based on that awareness; to lead a valuable life, one has to return something durable to those who are less fortunate.
Working experience in both the private and public sector has enabled me to broaden the scope of my expertise, particularly where it concerns intercultural relations and educational policy linked with mandatory diplomatic skills in areas of the European Union, where I am currently employed. This professional environment has enhanced my skills to assess what is needed to persuade my counterparts in their approach to issues from different, and very often a broader, perspective.
Viewing my purpose in life as an ongoing learning process, psychology in general—and more specifically, social psychology—will encompass all aspects of human nature, progress, and spiritual awareness as comprehensive building blocks in order to create a fair, balanced, and sustainable society in which we all can flourish. It has given me the opportunity to combine the two professional working fields of justice and psychology in choosing to prepare my Masters in Forensic Psychology.
Primary Interests:
BA, Performing Arts
Theater School Amsterdam
Post-Graduate Course, British Theatre
City Literary Institute London (UK)
Accreditation, Psycho-analyses
Centre of Excellence
Honors and Awards
- Recommendation Intercultural Relations
- Personal Recommendation Director Coverall
- Recommendation 4th Dimension Travel-Director S.A. Agostini
- Recommendation Onderwijs Advies (Educational Institute)
Work Experience
Employer: Various Theatre Companies and Productions (UK)
July 1979 - June 1981
Management PA
Employer: Ecuador Travel
August 1983 - July 1986
PA to the Ambassador of the Republic of Egypt
Employer: Government of Egypt
September 1995 - May 1997
PA-legal affairs
Employer: Municipality of Delft
May 1997 - July 1999
Project coordination and policy Secretaris
Employer: Semi Governmental Organisation - Onderwijs Advies
August 1999 - October 2005
Assistent to the Head of Unit BFP-Eurojust
Employer: European Commission Judicial Agency
November 2005 - January 2017
National Desk Assistant to the NM for the Netherlands
Employer: Eurojust
February 2017 - January 2019
Employer: PT Sasak Studio Sejati
February 2020 - present
Membership in Professional Organizations
- British Actor's Equity Association
- Social Psychology Network
Languages Spoken
Native speaker
Intermediate proficiency
Native speaker
Advanced proficiency
Psychology Mentors, Inspirations, and Influences
Carla MeekSCI-INNCarla Meek is the founder of Foundation Social Cultural Institution Indonesia-Netherlands. Confined to a wheelchair, she manages to inspire her members to achieve a greater sense of awareness of cultural aspects that have played a major part in overcoming biases, resulting in improving cooperation.
Mitchel GreenProfessor of Philosophy at UCONNJoining the Coursera class "Know Thyself; No Thyself" proved to be the best decision of 2012. Mitch Green paved a smooth way through a maze of philosophers and psychologists through innovative, mindful introspection. Using thought-provoking approaches, he created a path toward self-awareness.
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Image Gallery
Other Files
- Essay 1. Major depression from public health perspectives
- Essay 2. Memo Implementation of Major Depression Program in disadvantages areas
- Some thoughts on Zen and the Art of Archery
- Should we be moral relativists?
- The world around us and behavioural context
- Comment and Observation on Silent Rage - SP-pz-ADJ
- Press release and Opening Statement Foundation Kebon Sepatu, Netherlands-Indonesia
- Fine lined boundaries in Utilitarianism and Libertarianism
- A day of Compassion and the choice to a Way of Life
- Certificate EdX - University of Queensland: Criminal Psychology
- Certificate Anthropology - MacQuarie University Australia
- Certificate Business in Asia - Griffith University Australia
- The Feminine Kabbalistic Touch....
- The Human Spark
- Correlation between Buddhism and Modern Psychology
- Cert. Forensic Science - Witness Investigation; Open University UK
- Cert. Forensic Science - University of Leicester
- Preparation for the Vipassana Training- Belgium
- Summary and experiences during the Vipassana Training in Belgium 2-13 September
- Proof of Attendance Vipassana Meditation Course 2-13 September 2014
- Certificate Justice Ethics - Harvard
- Certificate Probabilities and Statistics
- Reviewing the premise: “No society has existed without religion”
- Neurobiology of the commonly known triggers of the illness of Hashimoto
- Religious World Conflicts
- The Darwin Dilemma
Ms. Akke Myrielle de Jong
Westplantsoen 55
2613 GK Delft
The Netherlands
- Work: +6281775266641
- Home: +31640750484
- Mobile: +31640750484
- Skype Name: akke.de.jong