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 Seeking STEM Mentors for an NSF-Supported Project
Posted by: Yuko Okado
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: California State University, Fullerton
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: March 18th, 2025

The Psychology Pathways project, an NSF-supported project at California State University Fullerton that promotes Psychology majors' career exploration in STEM, is currently seeking volunteer mentors.

Mentors would be asked to video-record Q&A-style interview questions and create a virtual agent-mentor ("virtual mentor") that can have simulated Zoom-style conversations with students, to help students learn about their career path. The overall time commitment is approximately 12 to 15 hours total, scheduled flexibly. Activities are conducted remotely using the mentor's own webcam/computer, and training and additional outreach opportunities are provided.

We are looking for mentors who:

(1) Reside/work in the U.S.;
(2) Work in a STEM industry (non-academic positions);
(3) Have completed a degree in Psychology; and
(4) Have a passion for mentoring.

We have an especially strong need for mentors from under-represented/underserved backgrounds.

Please see our flyer for more information and kindly share it with any colleagues or mentees who may be interested:

Thank you,

Yuko Okado, PhD (Psychology Pathways PI)
California State University, Fullerton

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