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 Introduction to Dyadic Data Analysis
Posted by: Michael Zyphur
Title/Position: Director
School/Organization: Instats
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: March 6th, 2025

Hi, everyone!

Instats is excited to offer a 3-day seminar, Introduction to Dyadic Data Analysis, running March 19–21 and led by professor Michael Fitzgerald from Oklahoma State University. This workshop explores the power of dyadic data analysis for uncovering the complex interdependencies between paired individuals—an essential tool in fields like sociology, psychology, human development, and family science.

You’ll learn to design dyadic studies, address measurement issues, and implement sophisticated models such as the actor-partner interdependence model (APIM) and the common fate model (CFM) using Mplus. Through hands-on exercises and practical demonstrations, this seminar equips Ph.D. students, professors, and professional researchers with the skills to analyze relational dynamics rigorously and effectively.

Sign up today to secure your spot, and feel free to share this opportunity with colleagues and students who might benefit!

Best wishes,

Michael Zyphur
Institute for Statistical and Data Science

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