Listserv Message Center

Problems Discovered with ANES Measures |
Posted by: | Jon A. Krosnick |
Title/Position: | Professor |
School/Organization: | Stanford University |
Sent to listserv of: | SPSP, SESP, SPSSI |
Date posted: | March 28th, 2008 |
Since 1948, the American National Election Studies have conducted biannual national surveys about political attitudes and behavior, and the data are made available at no charge to all interested scholars at:
These surveys have routinely included open-ended questions, tapping respondents' factual knowledge about politics, people's beliefs about the country's most important problems, and questions about what people like and dislike about political candidates and parties.
We recently investigated how answers to these questions have been recorded and coded in the past and discovered an array of problems.
We have written a report to describe what we discovered, offer advice to researchers about how to use these questions, and describe how we are using the results of our investigation to improve data collection and distribution practices at ANES and other studies. You can access a copy of the report here:
If you have any comments or questions, please email us at anes@electionstudies.org.
Jon A. Krosnick and Arthur Lupia
ANES Principal Investigators
Matthew DeBell
Director of Stanford Operations for the ANES
Darrell Donakowski
ANES Director of Studies