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 APA Task Force on the Psychosocial Effects of War
Posted by: Janet Swim
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: Pennsylvania State University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: March 11th, 2008

Note from APA:

I am happy to announce that APA is funding a new Task Force on the Psychosocial Effects of War on Children and Families Who are Refugees from Armed Conflicts Residing in the United States. APA is currently recruiting candidates for the Task Force and we would like your help. Please find below the Task Force’s call for nominations. Please disseminate the call to any potentially interested colleagues. The deadline for submissions is April 28, 2008. Please do not hesitate to contact Efua Andoh, should you require assistance.


Task Force on the Psychosocial Effects of War on Children and Families Who are Refugees from Armed Conflicts Residing in the United States

The American Psychological Association is soliciting nominations for a Task Force on the Psychosocial Effects of War on Children and Families Who are Refugees from Armed Conflicts Residing in the United States. The Association is particularly interested in researchers, practitioners and educators who are particularly knowledgeable about the numerous factors that influence the mental health and wellbeing of this group, such as, the effects of armed conflict, the developmental level of the child, the culture of the family, and the characteristics of the community, as well as, interaction among these factors. Candidates for the task force should also be well-versed in the literature on the effects of war on children and families who are refugees in the U.S., including developmentally and culturally-appropriate practice; resilience and trauma among children at risk; culturally appropriate practices with immigrant communities; and international literature and knowledge from the areas of origin and other countries of resettlement.

Task Force members are required to attend one three-day meeting during 2008 to be held in Washington, DC, with meeting-related expenses reimbursed by APA. Members will also communicate via conference calls and email to accomplish the task force’s work.

Each candidate is asked to submit (1) a letter indicating their willingness to serve and detailing their particular expertise on the issue, and (2) a current CV, no later than Monday, April 28, 2008. Although it is not required, candidates may wish to have letters (no more than three) supporting their nomination submitted. Materials should be sent to Efua Andoh, Children, Youth, and Families Office, via email, or fax, (202) 336-6040.

Best regards,
Efua Andoh

Manager, CYF Programs
Children, Youth, and Families Office
Public Interest Directorate
American Psychological Association
750 First St, NE
Washington, DC 20002-4242

Tel: 202-336-6045
Fax: 202-336-6040
Web site:

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