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 2nd Call for Papers: 11th Jena Intergroup Workshop
Posted by: Christopher Cohrs
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: Friedrich Schiller University of Jena
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI, SESP
Date posted: February 14th, 2008

Second Call for Papers: 11th Jena Workshop on Intergroup Processes, June 19-23, 2008

Positive Behaviour between Social Groups: Processes, Problems and Promises

Theories and research on intergroup relations have focussed to a major extent on conditions and processes underlying socially problematic phenomena such as ingroup favouritism and outgroup derogation, or on approaches to reduce these issues. In contrast, phenomena such as tolerance, acceptance, helping, empathy, friendship, forgiveness, reconciliation, and restitution, among others, seem to refer to explicitly positive intergroup behaviour between social groups. Research on these topics contributes to a better understanding of positive intergroup relations. Nonetheless, research on paternalistic attitudes or benevolent prejudice exemplifies that it may be in the eye of the beholder (i.e., the actor, recipient or observer) whether behaviour is perceived as positive or not. Questions arise as to which qualitatively distinct forms of positive behaviour in intergroup relations can be distinguished, which determinants, functions, and consequences these different positive behaviors have, and whether (and, if yes, how) truly positive intergroup relations are possible.

The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers who work on aspects of positive behavior in intergroup relations, and to stimulate further theorizing and empirical research in this field. Following the tradition of the Jena Workshops on Intergroup Processes, the format of this medium-size meeting is single-session, with a strong focus on intensive discussion of unresolved underlying issues to be reflected in the schedule. The meeting will have about 40 participants. One of the goals is to bring together early stage and distinguished researchers. Therefore, submissions by graduates and junior researchers are as welcome as submissions by senior researchers. Two participants per paper are welcome (e.g., a graduate student and her/his supervisor). The meeting will take place from Thursday, June 19th, to Monday, June 23rd, 2008 at Schloss Oppurg (Germany), a picturesque historical castle close to Jena and Weimar.

We are happy to announce our two keynote speakers Prof. Arie Nadler, Ph.D. (Tel Aviv University) and Prof. Dr. Stefan Stürmer (Fernuniversität in Hagen).

Contact information

Researchers interested in participation are invited to submit a 250 word summary of their proposed presentation by February 29th, 2008, to Christopher Cohrs ( A small conference fee will be charged. Christopher Cohrs and Amélie Mummendey ( are happy to answer any inquiries related to the workshop.

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