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 DATIC Workshops 2008
Posted by: David A. Kenny
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: University of Connecticut
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: January 4th, 2008

~ DATIC 2008 ~

There will be four DATIC workshops offered during June 2008 and August 2008. Topics and locations are:

Hierarchical Linear Modeling
Session A: June 16-20, 2008
Session B: June 23-27, 2008

Instructors: D. Betsy McCoach & Ann A. O’Connell
Location: University of Connecticut
Web address:

Structural Equation Modeling: June 23-27, 2008

Instructors: David A. Kenny & Stephanie Milan
Location: University of Connecticut
Web address:

Dyadic Analysis: August 4-8, 2008

Instructors: Deborah A. Kashy & David A. Kenny
Location: Michigan State University
Web address:

HLM and SEM workshops will be held at the Storrs, Connecticut, campus of the University of Connecticut and the Dyad workshop will be held in East Lansing, Michigan on the campus of
Michigan State University

Each workshop cost $950 if paid by April 1 2008. Housing can be arranged for each workshop.

To register for any of these workshops go to or send an email to

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