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 Ph.D. in Marketing at NYU
Posted by: Vicki Morwitz
Title/Position: Research Professor of Marketing
School/Organization: Stern School of Business, New York University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: November 29th, 2007

Note: Please announce or forward this note to interested students.

As the faculty coordinator of the doctoral program for the marketing department at NYU Stern, I would like to encourage psychology undergraduates interested in advanced study in social psychology to consider pursuing a PhD in Marketing at the New York University Leonard N. Stern School of Business. The Ph.D. Program in Marketing at the Stern School is one of the finest in the world and attracts an impressive and diverse set of students. Our program prepares students for academic careers in research and teaching at top universities internationally. We offer an intensive, highly-competitive PhD in Marketing with a strong emphasis on social psychology including judgment and decision making, attitudes, social perception, self-control, and intertemporal choice. Our faculty members are extremely research productive, boasting over 100 publications in the last five years, and many are experts in the psychology of consumers’ judgments and choices (including Professors Amitav Chakravarti, Jacob Jacoby, Justin Kruger, Durairaj Maheswaran, Geeta Menon, Tom Meyvis, and affiliated professor Yaacov Trope).

Our program is full time, typically takes four to five years (during which tuition, fellowship, and stipend are fully funded by the school), and includes courses in basic tools, research seminars in Marketing and Psychology and other closely related areas of interest (e.g., sociology, economics), research with our faculty, teacher training, and teaching experience. Our program is consistently rated as one of the top in the United States, owing in large part to the tremendous success of our graduates, many of whom have gone on to enjoy prolific academic careers at top universities including Berkeley, Chicago, Columbia, Cornell, Michigan, and Northwestern.

Pursuing a Ph.D. in Marketing at New York University is an exciting, intensely challenging, and rewarding experience for a select few. I hope that it appeals to you and that you will contact us to discuss the possibility further. Please feel free to call (212-998-0518) or e-mail ( any time. I hope to hear from you soon.

For application details, please visit:

The deadline for applications is January 10, 2008.


Vicki Morwitz, Ph.D.
Research Professor of Marketing
Coordinator, Doctoral Program in Marketing

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