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 New Tenure Track Position in Social Psychology
Posted by: Tim Shearon
Title/Position: Professor and Chairperson of Psychology
School/Organization: The College of Idaho
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP
Date posted: November 9th, 2007

The College of Idaho, formerly Albertson College of Idaho, is announcing a new tenure-track position in Social Psychology to begin September 2008. Responsibilities include teaching Research Methods, undergraduate courses in social psychology, support for the Liberal Arts Core, and student-centered research. Ph.D. in Psychology preferred; ABD with specified completion date considered. The College of Idaho is a selective, national, private four-year liberal arts college, with a strong tradition of excellent teaching and student-centered research. We are currently enrolling about 840 students with a steady increase projected to about 1000 in the near future. Psychology is the College's fastest growing major; currently the third largest major on campus. We have just upgraded the teaching laboratory and have plans for further expansion of research facilities within the next year. Grant writing will be encouraged. The College of Idaho has just been awarded a $50,000,000 cash gift which kicked off a 10 year $175,000,000 capital campaign aimed primarily at increasing faculty salaries, increasing endowment (currently at $102,000,000), and improving student-centered research.

In the application portfolio please include the letter of application, CV, evidence of teaching and research excellence, and letters of recommendation to:
By Mail: Human Resources, Psychology Search, The College of Idaho, 2112 Cleveland Blvd, Caldwell, ID 83605
Or via email:

Review of completed applications will begin December 17, 2007. Applications will be accepted until position is filled. EOE. Official graduate transcripts required before appointment.

The College of Idaho is the oldest institution of higher education in Idaho, opening its doors over 117 years ago. Caldwell, Idaho is located in southwest Idaho approximately 16 miles from Boise: a thriving and vibrant metropolitan area. Boise and Caldwell are located in the Treasure Valley: a geographical feature carved through the state by glaciation. Southwest Idaho is, thus, made up of a diverse geography including close access to mountain ranges including quick access to recreational activities in Sun Valley and McCall. Mountain and Road biking are popular sports in the Treasure Valley and Boise has its own ski area with excellent Nordic and alpine ski facilities north of the city. The climate is surprisingly mild and arid due to a complex climate interaction with the geography of Oregon and Washington. There is quick access to Portland and Seattle and all the benefits of the thriving Northwestern recreation. Caldwell is also the center of Idaho's rich and rapidly developing wine region.

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