Listserv Message Center

Journal of Social Issues Editor Search |
Posted by: | Janet Swim |
Title/Position: | Professor of Psychology |
School/Organization: | Pennsylvania State University |
Sent to listserv of: | SPSP, SESP |
Date posted: | November 7th, 2007 |
I would like to draw your attention to the call for nominations for an editor for the Journal of Social Issues (JSI). JSI is a SPSSI journal. For more information please read the note below.
Janet Swim
Journal of Social Issues Editor, 2010-2013
Call for Nominations
Nominations are now being accepted for the next editor of the Journal of Social Issues (JSI). Given JSI's thematic nature and the need to assemble an entire issue at one time, the Editor-elect will have approximately 2 years to solicit manuscripts. He/she will start as Editor-elect in June, 2008 and will serve as editor for the JSI volumes published in 2010-2013. The editors' first manuscripts will appear in March or June, 2010.
JSI is the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues' (SPSSI's) flagship publication. As such, it is a key outlet for the scholarly work of SPSSI members and contributes greatly to the Society's well-being. The editor will need scientific, editorial, interpersonal, and organizational abilities. He or she will advise potential issue editors on the development of issues and will have proposals as well as full manuscripts reviewed. The Editor will also work with JSI's publisher, Blackwell, to ensure the timely publication of issues, attend SPSSI Council meetings, and prepare various editorial reports. For information about the current JSI operations, please go to the publication page of for SPSSI web page (http://www.spssi.org) and follow the links for JSI.
Please submit nominations and computer files of materials for the Editor-elect position to the SPSSI Central Office, spssi@spssi.org. Please type “JSI editorial search” in the topic heading of your emails. Self-nominations are welcome. The Search Committee consists of Dick Moreland, Susan Fiske, Terri Vescio, and Janet Swim (Chair, Department of Psychology, Penn State University, University Park, PA, 814-863-1730, jswim@psu.edu). Questions about this position may be addressed to the Committee Chair. First review of the nominations will begin December, 20, 2007. Those candidates agreeing to stand for consideration will be asked to submit a copy of their Curriculum Vita/Resumes, an indication of their previous editorial experience, and a statement of their vision and views on the direction and operation of the journal, and names of three referees.