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 Belief in Immortality Scale
Posted by: Carolyn Hafer
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: Brock University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: October 19th, 2007

Dear Colleagues,

Does anyone know of a scale measuring belief in immortality?

I am looking for a scale that assesses the extent to which people believe in life after death, both in the literal sense and in the symbolic sense (e.g., one’s memory living on through various means). I have found a few items here and there from religiosity scales. I have also found a “need for immortality scale” by Conn et al. (1996), from which I could use a few items, if they are reworded. But, I was wondering if there is a pre-existing belief in immortality scale out there (again, including both literal and symbolic items).

Thanks in advance for your help.

-Carolyn Hafer

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